Wednesday 22 February 2012

Yoga Sutra Word Searches

I've just created three fun Yoga Sutra Word Search Puzzles to help you practice your Sanskrit vocabulary. 

They are listed for public use on Armored Penguin which means you're welcome to use and share them for the next two months, as you wish. 

Thank you to Christina for sending me the link!  And thanks to the Wall Family for the cheery Buddha card at the left!  Yes!!

For a sattvic good time, just click on the titles. 

Good luck!  And let me know what you think.  If you like 'em, I'll make more!

Raja Yoga Word Search:

The first, and most advanced path of Raja Yoga is described in the first chapter of the "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali", called the "Samadhi Pada" or the chapter on meditation and super-consciousness.  This classical definition of yoga as "stopping the disturbed mental waves" describes five kinds of thoughts: right understanding, wrong understanding, imagination, sleep, and memory.

Kriya Yoga Word Search:

The second path of Raja Yoga is described at the beginning of the second chapter of the "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali", called the "Sadhana Pada", or the chapter on the path and practice of yoga.  Kriya Yoga has three aspects: austerities, self-study, and surrender to the divine.  Here the author Patanjali also describes the five types of mental afflictions:  ignorance, egoism, desire, aversion, and the fear of death.

Ashtanga Yoga Word Search:

The eight-limbed path of Ashtanga or Raja Yoga is described in the second chapter of the "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali", called the "Sadhana Pada" or the chapter on the path and practice of yoga.  Ashtanga yoga involves ethical precepts, physical postures, breathing exercises, withdrawal of the senses, concentration, meditation, and super-consciousness.

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